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 still lifes? lives? 

still life w jif

still life w jif

watercolor and ink on polyvinyl

girl's bike

girl's bike

still life w ponies

still life w ponies

ink and watercolor on polyvinyl

guitar on books

guitar on books

ink on sparkle black paper

johnson's cash register

johnson's cash register

marker on polyvinyl

still life w catnip & tecate

still life w catnip & tecate

ink and watercolor on polyvinyl

gibson on pink

gibson on pink

ink on kraft

still life w febreze and lipgloss

still life w febreze and lipgloss

ink and watercolor on polyvinyl

still life w rubber hand

still life w rubber hand

ink and watercolor on polyvinyl

still life w stegosaurus &jumbo clip

still life w stegosaurus &jumbo clip

ink & watercolor pencil on paper

an ongoing series with a ready-made subject matter of all the things left lying around.

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